Lack of accurate information contained in a winner-take-all vote is the problem. Let’s get real!
VotePlusPlus is a modern online solution that improves the quality of representational government and overcomes the limitations of our current electoral process
December 30, 2024
Playing with Fire: Local American Politics
I am the inventor of VotePlusPlus, and the Vice Mayor of a tiny City in California. I was asked to run for office by a local bartender and minor celebrity, based on the success of her establishment and being a member of the City Council. She was recently appointed Mayor, ...Read More
July 25, 2022
How People Work
What makes them tick? You’ve probably wondered about what’s wrong with folks and you’re told the world is populated with evil. Then, you can choose up sides and go fight. The problem becomes: “Then why are there evenly matched hoards duking it out on the...Read More
May 9, 2022
Trust the Science. How About the Scientists?
Laboratory science is not political science. Good science doesn’t trust itself. Science itself is based on rigorous, methodical investigation and evidential confirmation, not blind “trust”. Good scientists will probably acknowledge that nature has not gi...Read More