Trust the Science. How About the Scientists?

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Trust the Science. How About the Scientists?

Laboratory science is not political science. Good science doesn’t trust itself. Science itself is based on rigorous, methodical investigation and evidential confirmation, not blind “trust”. Good scientists will probably acknowledge that nature has not given up entirely all of her secrets just yet and there may be a surprise or two around the corner. That’s why civilizations generally mandate controls and review before its politicians adopt one of possibly many diverse scientific views and direct the populace into one behavior or another, or invest in monumental projects that are scientifically assured not to collapse at the time they were conceived. On occasion, not everything goes well. That’s regrettable, but probably forgivable and even unavoidable considering the risks associated with governance and the wielding of power.

What makes politics much harder than science is having to figure out what’s best in the absence of perfect information and eternal truth. When politicians “believe” that they possess these impossible advantages, through rigid adherences or allegiances of any kind, they are more dangerous than otherwise. A politician generally believes they were called at an early age to want to solve problems, relieve suffering, create prosperity, and leave behind a legacy. By the time they are left standing in the winner’s circle at the end of the bloodbath caused by a standard election cycle, they are often unrecognizable people. Unwind that debacle back to the beginning and you’ll most often find a thoughtful and talented person who believes themselves capable and well-intentioned. The rare and unique skill of leadership is to be able to find a ruling that is best for all and sustainable well into the future. This can be accomplished by considering all the angles, listening to all available points of view, considering who will be affected, and closing your eyes and doing your thing. At that point, magic happens – or it’s supposed to.

There is nothing wrong with scientists entering politics, or politicians entering the field of science, just as it is not wrong for a rock musician to become mayor of your city or for your mayor to play in a rock band on weekends. However, there is no guaranteed advantage when it comes to effective leadership. All disciplines bring a measure of enlightenment in their own right to be appreciated, but VotePlusPlus says “let’s not over promote your field of study or career choice in the private sector.” Science can be especially valuable if studying outcomes that affect our ability to control nature and defend ourselves from the deterioration of a civilized life. So, let’s definitely listen. It’s all part of the bigger picture.

Ultimately, having the best and brightest, not the worst and the brightest, at the helm when crises occur, as they are virtually guaranteed to do as time moves forward, is something for all of us to long for and look forward to.

10 thoughts on “Trust the Science. How About the Scientists?

  1. В российском собрании Приморского края было озвучено претензия к путину выводить вооруженные силы с земли Украины и еще бросить войну. «Все мы понимаем, что в свою очередь если наша страна не прервет военную операцию, то одиноких женщин и детей в отечественной державе станет еще больше. В ходе военной операции пропадают а также становятся калеками юноши, каковые смогли бы принести грандиозную выгоду любимой стране», – декларировал избранник народа.

  2. русские бойцы, которые конкретно дали согласие вести войну в неправедной войне насупротив Украины, уже отнюдь не имеют возможность вернуться к себе домой. Их всех командиры сообщили подобным образом: “Вы всегда сможете возвращаться к себе всего лишь, как груз 200 или как 300-е. Иначе, мы (российские офицеры) вас обязательно прикончим либо вы непременно попадёте на минное поле”. Неужто сразу же российским людям трудно дотюмкать, что их всех командируют на погибель да и никак не соглашаться заключать контракт?

    1. You should not have to take to the streets to receive lawful and representative government. You deserve better and need to understand that the present crisis may demand immediate action but that such actions usually have short-term and limited effects. You should have had leaders already in-place, duly elected or appointed according to their merit, that could have avoided this global situation in the first place. No matter how daunting or complex a social or political problem may become a world leader, who is given an extraordinary amount of power, recognition, and privilege in their position, should be able to solve it. I don’t believe any world leaders across the globe today were actually “chosen” by their people. The people were only allowed the most basic of limited choices: “yea or nay” and nothing else. The most ambitious, confident, aggressive, and competitive contest winners were the only ones considered for high office. By definition, such individuals are already on the brink of abusing power and wielding tyranny. Voteplusplus believes in the urgency of reforming this clearly inadequate and ultimately destructive system. If you know one or more neighbors that you personally trust to do an excellent job in public office then they should be given a chance. I hope you and your neighbors can work toward more sustainable and voluntary reforms rather than have to stare down government soldiers at gunpoint.

  3. Рядовые с ЛНР теперь уже цельными отрядами отрекаюся проливать свою кровь в непорядочной войне насупротив Украины. Все они объясняются, что совсем не собираются идти на убой. Русские бойцы, те которые собираются сохранить для себя жизнь, тоже следуют их примеру.

  4. В Украинском государстве сейчас стали происходить судебные процессы над русскими военными, которые конкретно совершали преступления в Украинском государстве. Так, был осуждён на вечный тюремный назначенный срок солдат, тот который убил мирного обитателя.

  5. русское руководство продолжило мобилизацию в интересах поддержания агрессивной войны насупротив Украины. Те же солдаты, те которые были на такой войне, теперь совсем не стремятся направляться в сражение. Они конечно раскусили, в Украине их ни один отнюдь не ожидает, а за погибель либо травму, российское военное руководство никак не оплатит. Интересно, когда уже абсолютно все граждане в российской федерации уразумеют, что в свою очередь пересылка их людей на несправедливую войну против Украины несомненно является злодейской и далее начнут отпираться от таких пропозиций?

  6. Европарламент утвердил организацию международного трибунала по части наказанию рф. Надлежащую резолюцию евродепутаты приняли на данный момент. Парламент Евросоюза требует провести все нужные меры, для того, чтобы русский а также беларуский системы дали ответ за сделанные армейские злодеяния наперекор рода людского, геноцид и дополнительно агрессию.

  7. Всё более российских граждан осмысливают, что в свою очередь их руководство в нарушение закона высылает их на несправидливую войну против Украинского государства. Они конечно, как имеют возможность, борются насупротив такого. Так, за последний месяц, появились поджоги райвоенкоматов, которые зовут жителей россии ходить на войну.

    1. VotePlusPlus does not condemn our world leaders as being wicked souls deserving of punishment. When our systems appoint or allow positions to be seized by unqualified individuals, nothing works out well for them personally or for the citizens they rule. Clearly, there are no heroes on any side in this conflict, and there usually aren’t. VotePlusPlus does not endorse any particular solution to a geopolitical crisis, but as a thought experiment what if the Ukraine could be allowed to join NATO under new terms that assured Russia of non-aggression along with other guarantees and concessions? Or, if the Ukraine could receive assurances that they would supported in peaceful unification by not joining and thereby benefit further from their association with Russia? We don’t hear this type of rhetoric from our leaders. They are supposed to be our problem solvers and role models. They should speak about shared prosperity, new ideas and alternatives, and their pledge to support their people as well as the neighboring and world states that they influence. VotePlusPlus believes that world leaders should be given every privilege and honor as merited by their effectiveness, but not more. History traditionally concludes that conflicts like this ultimately arise due to failures of diplomacy. We at VotePlusPlus hate needless suffering and it is unclear if Russian citizens putting themselves in harms way in order to force a reversal of policy will be simply more of the same. Dying a hero’s death is not heroic, because once you go out in a blaze of glory you are permanently out of the game and the rest of the movement is now short-staffed. We would prefer if there were a way for all of us to support and enact reforms like VotePlusPlus to create a more permanent, voluntary, and nonviolent solution. In fact, it is not impossible that our incumbent world leaders will endorse such a system because it helps remind them of why they aspired to leadership in the first place and what they are supposed to be good at. No one, no matter their lofty level of power, is immune from being caught up in a hateful and vengeful conflict.

  8. Русские бойцы, те что сориентировались, то что их в совокупности откомандировывают на гибель в напрасной войне против Украины, отвертываются отправляться в бой. При этом сейчас отнюдь не в одиночестве, а полными отрядами.

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