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Do we really need another U.S. Civil War? Or another series of Yugoslav Wars? Think about it: that would be bad, especially if it is preventable. There is a legal precedent in the U.S. that was instituted because of the horrific and bloody battles of its Civil War, which were shocking to even the most jaded observers. Built into the highest law of its land, the U.S. Constitution, there is a prohibition of sedition. Today, 3 major U.S. cities have been declared to be in violation of this statute by the Federal Courts. What a mess!

VotePlusPlus is the kind of answer we are looking for and therefore deserves its chance to succeed. I know of no other viable substitute being proposed. The questions before us are: “Do we want a plurality or are we content with tyrant rule?” and “How did we get here, anyway?”

We got here because we were asleep and confused. There are two aspects that settled like cement onto two extremely opposite sides of a polarized debate. We need one of these aspects to trade places. Ready to “switcheroo”?

On one side, we have the Polite and Accepting. On the other, the Rude and Refusing. There is one issue that does not survive this kind of treatment without causing stagnation and an ultimate world-wide meltdown. Namely, the issue is: “Do we believe that our hero and their truth is on our side, only our side, and everybody else be damned?” versus “Personal variations of interpretation and judgment will help us find the best solution. Let’s hear from everybody and hash it out.” The media today yells at folks who believe the latter: “Shut up, snowflake, and shame on you besides. One way is the right way, so move aside.” And the plurality enthusiasts respond by being Polite and Accepting of this direct challenge: “Be cool man, we’re chill.” Now here’s the switch: when we hear “No room for you in all this, buddy” we need to become Polite and Refusing in order to prevent ourselves from being locked out and marginalized. Of course, we need to be sure our own conduct is as consistently inclusive as possible in order to claim the higher moral ground. Intransigent believers then need to become Rude and Accepting: “I hate your self-absorbed B.S., but I vigorously defend your right to say it and to act as you best see fit.” Do not be shamed into declaring “Oh, the hell with Gandhi!” when quotations are being hurled against you. Personally, I am a big fan of Gandhi but my interpretation is that some who loudly promulgate his cause are on the wrong track. He himself confronted this same problem on notable occasions during his lifetime. Consequently, the newly Rude and Accepting folks can learn to support Free Speech, as was championed by the civil rights heroes of the past.

We had better diffuse and gently correct this endemic behavior. Mass mentality can be traced to mass action, and this can cause untold destruction, misery and suffering that will eventually be condemned by history.

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