We at VotePlusPlus have some thoughts. Since we are focused on improvement for everyone’s benefit, we want all those who are vulnerable to infection as well as those who are concerned about impending financial hardship to be equally protected. The current outbreak is an prime example of how the strength of society may withstand a serious threat from nature. At the frontlines are the application of resources and reserves, coupled with the force of law. That’s our government we are talking about and there is no other recourse but to rely on its excellence to provide for a common defense.
However, if you were complaining about usual suspects and shenanigans “before” Covid-19, about not having the best and brightest at the helm and not being presented with the best possible choices for electing leadership, then who do you think are manning the important posts and making the important decisions now? It has been our experience that waiting for sparkling personalities with squeaky-clean records is futile. Most individuals we have met in positions of power began their careers with a sense of being called-up to serve their fellow person. What happened “along the way” is their general complaint, and that’s blaming “the system” we know it today.
When your observe how conditions are now being handled in your area you should ask yourself several things: “Is this measure truly protecting my neighbors?”, “Is the level of enforcement appropriate for the community conditions and our civil rights?”, “Are the motives behind a particular action pure?” If so, then you can celebrate the fact that something powerful is working. However, you must think for yourself before you can purport to offer any improvement by scrutinizing and taking lawful actions that widen the discourse and create better solutions.
Finally, we have a bit of opinionated advice. There can be lot of fraud associated with the nutrition industry and exactly how to keep oneself strong and healthy is a very individual matter. I will point out though that a regimen of conventional pharmaceutical treatment can take its toll on the natural human immune system, not boost it. With fast food chains booming and even fewer choices for nourishment available in the urban centers, the ability to keep one’s personal defenses in peak condition could become challenging. For me, it’s a personal responsibility to be considerate of others through sanitary and respectful conduct, and to have an immune system functioning at its best before presuming to interact with others. There is certainly no way that idea can hurt us at any time, and is required now more than ever.