Whatever you may think about what happened and how it was handled, VotePlusPlus will ask you an important question about your leadership and you can compare the answers your candidates will give. Our recommendations will find you a match, and recommend better candidates within a better representative structure for “next time”, because you know that world events of dramatic significance do occur throughout history.
“How do you feel about following established protocols in case of a national emergency?” and
“How do you feel about the deviating from precedence when dealing with a new national emergency?”
Depending on where you are and what you have experienced, there is no wrong answer. When Covid hit, 7 states opted-out of lockdown completely. California still ain’t open. So, maybe knowing what your leadership was inclined to do would have been helpful to you and your area.
When it comes to representation, there is nothing like an emergency to cause the importance of this principle to shine. Your lives were no doubt directly affected and, for some of you, the aftermath of the lockdown policies in your area might be yet another disaster for you to have to deal with going forward.
Do you feel represented?